Tactic D1.1 | Visit Sedona

Tactic D1.1

Promotional materials

Review and update SCC&TB promotional materials with sustainable initiatives.

SCC&TB publications and support materials directed to visitors include magazines, brochures, maps, flyers, postcards, and robust websites.

A review and update will refine these resources to ensure incorporation of the Plan’s sustainability goals and the visitor’s role in our sustainability initiatives.


TIMEFRAME Short-term (12-18 months)



ALIGNING RESEARCH Nonprofit Focus Group, Land Managers Focus Group, Public Input


1. Number of updates completed - GOAL = 10 / STATUS = 3


Promotional Items

Review and update SCC&TB promotional materials with sustainable initiatives.

FY21:  In the spring of 2021, the SCC&TB updated its visitor-focused VisitSedona.com site so that all four main news articles address sustainability-related tactics. They are: The Sedona Cares Pledge, The Sedona Secret 7, Discover the Verde Valley and Sedona Trail Finder.             

The SCC&TB’s ads in the local Red Rock News and KUDOS frequently feature sustainability messages as a matter of policy, and SCC&TB ads, such as in Food&Travel magazine, promote sustainability as part of the Sedona experience.

The SCC&TB added a blog site to sedonachamber.com that includes a special sustainability section:  the Green Travel blog and tab https://visitsedona.com/about-us/green-travel/.

The SCC&TB published a Leave No Trace partnership web page linked to the overall message of Sedona’s sustainability initiatives. The SCC&TB used social media (Facebook and Instagram), Red Rock News articles, newsletters and blogs to promote the partnership and website, and included the LNT logo in the ongoing revision of collateral materials referenced above. 

In February, the SCC&TB rebranded national Earth Day, April 22, as Earth Month in Sedona and throughout April used promotional materials such as a custom logo, a Visitor Center poster, and collateral produced by the Arizona Office of Tourism to heavily promote the Sedona sustainability message locally and to visitors. 

The SCC&TB updated and re-publicized the Fly Friendly web page as part of Earth Month promotional materials. The SCC&TB used its media outreach resources to distribute an official news release to national media on the variety of Sedona Earth Month activities aligned with sustainability, and a separate official news release on the SCC&TB’s new membership in the Global Sustainable Tourism Council, which was tied back to the overall message of sustainability.

Throughout the year, as part of the branding of Sedona as a sustainable destination. the SCC&TB published several blogs featuring various businesses that achieved sustainability certification.

FY20: Each SCC&TB publication, from brochures to business cards, from multi-page annual guides to generic folders, was reviewed and a sustainability message appropriately added. The messages appear in the various collateral pieces as they are reprinted.

The Sedona Cares Pledge was finalized and published and featured prominently in SCC&TB promotional materials including social media, VisitSedona.com and Red Rock News columns. The Plan naturally has its own web site and is regularly promoted to visitors through our consume newsletter, Facebook and Instagram.

Sustainability messages are extensively propagated throughout the SCC&TB’s platforms, many of them newly-created sites made with this tactic in mind: in addition to supplements to the Sustainable Tourism Plan web page, the SCC&TB published a Fly Friendly website in June that includes a summary and maps of the affected area and a Voluntourism website in the fall.