Tactic C3.2
Annual Review
Annually review and adjust SCC&TB budget allocation based on dynamic indicators to meet economic and sustainability goals.
With the new KPIs outlined in this Plan and the broadened role of the SCC&TB required for Plan implementation, this tactic focuses on an annual review to ensure resources are deployed in ways that maximize the long-term sustainability of Sedona’s tourism industry.
Economic changes, natural events such as fires or flooding, and the success of various marketing initiatives will have varying degrees of impact, influencing destination performance.
Through this annual review, the SCC&TB will ensure resources are being directed in the most effective manner.
This could result in the SCC&TB reallocating resources to match the needs of positive economic times and those periods of moderated economic performance.
TIMEFRAME Short-term (12-18 months)
SUPPORTING PARTNERS Advisors, Industry Experts, Sedona Lodging Council
ALIGNING RESEARCH Public Input, Industry Best Practices
1. Demonstrate refinements to funding allocations
Budget Review
Annually review and adjust SCC&TB budget allocation based on dynamic indicators to meet economic and sustainability goals.
FY22: The City formed a Council subcommittee to meet with the SCC&TB in advance of the Council special work sessions on SCC&TB FY23 budget and management planning. The initial meeting of both the subcommittee and full Council on the topic are set for early in the third quarter of FY22.
FY21: Since Council’s adoption of the FY20 budget in June of 2019 and at Council direction, the SCC&TB has based its annual budget and strategic recommendations in alignment with the four pillars of the Sustainable Tourism Plan.
The SCC&TB regularly submits an update report to the City of Sedona Manager’s Office, which includes dynamic metrics such as average daily room rates and occupancy rates. These reports are available publicly at sedonachamber.com/research
In February, the SCC&TB and City of Sedona Council met to begin discussions on the FY22 tourism management Destination Services Plan. In June 2021, Council reviewed and discussed a $2.1 million Destination Recovery Plan that pauses destination marketing.
During the FY21 recovery, Sedona saw a different, atypical visitor, new to the outdoors and uneducated about recreating respectfully. At the same time, Sedona’s primary visitor market of Phoenix persisted as the nation’s fastest growing metro area, putting more new people within easy access of Sedona. The SCC&TB outreach to visitors in FY22 will focus on education and how to interact responsibly with our environment and neighborhoods. The Sedona Cares Pledge and the Leave No Trace messages of individual environmental responsibility are available for distribution and promotion to guests at the Visitor Center and in response to phone/email/web-based inquiry.
The SCC&TB will also act in the community, convening discussions on how to mitigate OHV impacts to our quality of life and environment, to cite one example.
FY20: Council approved a process by which the SCC&TB’s budget proposals are aligned with the pillars of the Sustainable Tourism Plan. Prior to Council’s budget approval in late spring of calendar 2019, the FY20 Destination Recovery Plan was discussed at a joint work session with the SCC&TB at which the SCC&TB sought Council direction regarding budget and planning priorities.