Tactic A4.1
Trail Funding
Develop programs to achieve sustainable funding for trail development and maintenance.
Lack of funds for trail maintenance and enhancement can lead to deterioration as severe as that caused by heavy use.
The Sedona Trail Keepers is an SCC&TB initiative recruiting private sector partners to donate for NFS trail preservation – generating more than $300,000. By expanding this effort and finding additional innovative funding approaches, Sedona can help ensure long-term trail sustainability.
TIMEFRAME Short-term (12-18 months)
LEAD PARTNER Sedona Red Rock Trail Fund
ALIGNING RESEARCH Resident Survey, Nonprofit Focus Group, Land Manager Focus Group, Public Input
1. 1. Number of participating businesses - TARGET = 50 / STATUS = 52
2. Details of trail improvements - TARGET = 300 miles / STATUS = In Work
Trail Fund Programs
Develop programs to achieve sustainable funding for trail development and maintenance.
FY 23 The Sedona Red Rock Trail Fund (SRRTF) will provide updated info on trial improvements in April 2023 for posting at the end of the fiscal year.
SRTFF is looking for ways to achieve sustainable funding for trail development and maintenance.
SRRTF's three standing committees produced their business plans for FY23 (beginning 10/1/22), including goals, mission, fundraising tactics, activities, timeline, and resources. The plans were vetted through the Executive Committee in conjunction with the budget process and approved by the board in September 2022. Fiscal 2022 saw 207 donations averaging of $820.01 and total donations of $169,741.72.
SRRTF received grants from the following organizations for the associated projectsL
The National Forest Foundation: $27,100.00 – Cathedral Rock Phase IV
Arizona Community Foundation of Sedona: $7,000.00 – Cathedral Rock Phase IV
Langston Family Foundation: $8,000.00 – Trail Crew Training
The most recent field season results have been fully tabulated.
- 275 miles of trail maintenance completed during the 2022 field season
- 3440 ft. of retaining walls built and armoring.
- 122 rock stairs installed.
- 3.7 miles of social trail naturalized.
- 1788 drainage structures newly constructed and/or maintained.
- 115 trail signs and junction maps installed.
- 2 kiosks installed
- 36 new kiosk maps, section maps, and Trail Keepers signs posted at trailheads
- 37 new cairns constructed
- 74 old style cairns removed
- 2000 feet of fencing constructed
- 550 participating volunteers (Friends of the Forest and public)
- 3,400 total volunteer hours donated to district trail work
- 3,100 volunteer hours in the Sedona/VOC area dedicated to trail maintenance and construction
- $98,600 total value of labor provided by volunteers during the trail season
- 49 public trail work events with an average of 10-15 volunteers attending each event
FY22 On March 10, 2022 the SCC&TB presented a Trail Keepers 2.0 check for $102,000 to the Sedona Red Rock Trail Fund (SRRTF) to aid their support of the Red Rock Ranger District trail maintenance budget. Sedona Trail Keepers 2.0 in November was launched in November 2021 and recruited 52 businesses who contribute $1,000 for trail maintenance, two more than the SCC&TB goal of 50. The SCC&TB matched the first 50 contributions with allocated bed tax funds.
Trail Keepers 2.0 is the follow-on to the highly successful Trail Keepers program, which concluded in February 2021 after raising $370,000 in five years. Trail Keepers 2.0 will also run for five years.
The FY 22 Field Season has been completed and a final statistical report is begin reported by the Red Rock Ranger District. Through February 2022, the Trail Crews accomplished the following:
- 144 miles brushed
- 281 volunteers (persons)
- 1124 Volunteer hours (F of F & public)
- 1720 ft of rock work (retaining wall & armoring)
- •64 checks
- 22 new Cairns
- 76 new signs installed
- 10,000 square feet of rehab
- 9 trees logged out
- 1.25 miles of tread work
- 64 old cairns removed
- 155 miles maintained
- 2 kiosks installed
- 2000ft or fencing
In calendar 2021, volunteers and paid youth crews performed maintenance on Boynton, Bear and Doe Mountain trails, while assisting with improvements and soil restoration for trails east of Courthouse Butte and Bell Rock.
FY21: The conclusion of the five-year Sedona Trail Keepers program in early calendar 2021 saw a total of $370,000 donated by the chamber and business members to the Sedona Red Rock Trail Fund to assist the Red Rock Ranger District in maintenance and perseveration of USFS trails.
In August 2020, Congress passed the Great American Outdoors Act (GOA) providing additional federal funding beginning in 2022. Subsequently, the Red Rock Ranger District (RRRD) was awarded a GOA grant to hire youth crews for work at Cathedral Rock over two seasons.
In March, 890 reporters and editors received a SCC&TB Media News Roundup e-newsletter that included February’s $100,000 check presentation to the Sedona Red Rock Trail Fund (SRRTF) from the SCC&TB’s Trail Keepers program for USFS trail maintenance and preservation. The newsletter had a 30.9 % open rate and 10.9 % click rate.
The SRRTF’s calendar 2020 End of Year Holiday Campaign generated more than $45,000 in donations, a record.
In the proposed FY22 Destination Recovery Plan, the SCC&TB proposed continuing the Trail Keepers program.
FY20: Through February 2020, 756 volunteers had donated 3,024 volunteer hours, building 8.73miles of new trail and maintaining 281 miles. The Red Rock Ranger District secured $133,648 in Yavapai Resource Advisory Committee funds for trail crew salaries.
The Trail Keepers’ expansion to a total of fifty businesses was completed, each business agreeing to contribute $1,000, which is matched by the SCC&TB. The SCC&TB organized a March event to announce distribution of $100,000 to the Sedona Red Rock Trail Fund for USFS maintenance and development.
The Verde Valley Cycling Coalition raised $13,000 for trails at the Sedona Mountain Bike Festival in March. The Mountain Bike Festival continues to demonstrate respect for Sedona, our environment and our community, as well as a dedication to improve Sedona whenever it can – a true sustainability partner.
SRRTF focused on developing the Trail Bucks Opt-in or Opt-out Donation Program, with six businesses participating as of March 2020. Custom badges, website updates and new signs were completed.
NOTE: The SRRTF Fiscal Year runs October 1st - September 30
The FY20 Revenue Budget was $459,800.09.
The 2019-2020 Trail Work Season trail maintenance and completion of the Western Gateway was estimated to cost $606,616.60.
Volunteers were set to contribute $182,880.
Federal appropriations, special use/guide fees and the City of Sedona contribution totaled $126,014.
SRRTF fundraising was expected to make up the $297,772.60 difference.
The SRRTF also fundraised to generate a minimum of $100,000 for its endowment, held by the Arizona Community Foundation.