Organize a Voluntourism Event
Sedona businesses and nonprofits can create voluntourism events in Sedona.
- If you are interested in working with a local non-profit to organize a voluntourism event - a cleanup at an animal shelter or a fundraising picnic for women’s shelter, for example - contact the appropriate agency with your idea. Together, you can make something wonderful happen!
- If your business wants to host a voluntourism event, talk with your employees about their ideas. You may come up with an event that connects to your business - such as caring for local trails if you are a bike or off-highway-vehicle rental company – or something unrelated that resonates with you and your employees. Or contact a favorite Sedona area nonprofit, ask what specific needs they have which match the voluntourism concept - and go from there!
- You can organize a voluntourism event independently or partner with an agency whose mission strikes a chord with you and your team.
Promote your Voluntourism Event
Your voluntourism event needs voluntourists! If your business is in regular contact with visitors, create signs and fliers that make it easy for them to be aware of your voluntourism event. Add the event to your customer contact database and to our online events calendar, which we regularly promote in the community and in partnership with the Sedona Lodging Council. Be sure to select "voluntourism" as one of the event categories when filling out the form.
Sedona businesses invest in trail preservation with Sedona Trail Keepers program.