The Daughter’s of Heaven Conference 2024 - Visit Sedona Events Calendar

The Daughter’s of Heaven Conference 2024

Next Upcoming Date: Friday, September 27 2024

The Daughters of Heaven are a unique facet of Lightworkers and are only NOW becoming aware of this role. They are embodiments of the Divine Mother, serving as midwives to assist in the birthing of the Christ within all beings.This event is an activation and celebration into the remembrance of our role in God’s Divine Plan, which will activate the blueprint of a new spiritual network that will henceforth keep us connected and supported as we journey through life and into our ascension.


  • Admission: In-Person $300 / $200 Livestreaming
  • Time: 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Upcoming Dates For This Event:
  • Friday, September 27
  • Saturday, September 28



The Global Center for Christ Consciousness

  • 100 Northview Rd Sedona, Arizona
