SEDONA, Ariz. - Sedona’s famous dark skies put on a spectacular August display. Now, local astronomers are ready to guide Sedonans across nature’s celestial majesty at the first Sedona Star Party August 4.
A partnership of the Sedona Chamber of Commerce & Tourism Bureau, the City of Sedona Parks & Recreation, Keep Sedona Beautiful and the Astronomers of Verde Valley, the Star Party is a free viewing event on the Lower Ball Field at the Posse Ground Park in West Sedona on Saturday, August 4 from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m.
A near-midnight moonrise means mid-evening skies will be perfect for viewing the Milky Way, Jupiter, Mars, and Saturn, weather permitting. The last of the winter constellations dip over the western horizon as well-known Zodiac constellations Scorpio, Sagittarius and Libra appear, joined by phenomenon only visible with the telescopes and guidance of local astronomers. Laser-guided constellation tours will educate and amaze.
An event for all ages, be sure to bring lawn chairs, blankets and snacks to really enjoy the dazzling stars.
The first annual Sedona Star Party is another way the Sedona Chamber of Commerce is serving the community by helping make Sedona the best place to live, work, play and visit.
Visit for more details or call 928.204.1123.