Can you recycle those Styrofoam food containers? How about plastic bags with the ‘recycle’ logo? Pill bottles? Metal Hangers? Large items made from #2 or #5 plastic, such as lawn chairs? *
Though recycling is easy, knowing what to recycle can be confusing. A new partnership with Recycle by City, a service of Civil Agents, is helping the Sedona Chamber of Commerce & Tourism Bureau, the City of Sedona, and Sedona Recycles clear up what goes in the blue bin.
“Recycling is a major component of the Sustainable Tourism Plan and education is key,” said Sedona Chamber President and CEO Jennifer Wesselhoff. “Recycling is popular but there are barriers. One is too may nonrecyclables end up in the bins. Another is people hesitating to recycle because they are not sure what is eligible.”
“That is why a new partnership to educate Sedonans about recycling is so needed,” Wesselhoff added.
Recycle by City developed as a quick reference of recyclable vs. non-recyclable materials. “A two-minute interactive quiz makes learning quick and enjoyable,” said City of Sedona Sustainability Coordinator McKenzie Jones.
“The Guide is colorful and easy to understand, and the quiz is lighthearted and fun,” Jones adds. “We love the Recycle by City approach. They are a welcome addition to Sedona’s sustainability commitment.”
“Recycling is a way to have an immediate positive impact on the environment and climate,” said Jill McCutcheon, Executive Director of Sedona Recycles. “The partnership with Recycle by City allows Sedonans to get up to speed in just a few minutes.”
Sedona Recycles was founded in 1989 and processes over 3 tons of material a day.
For more information, or to take the quiz, visit
*Answers: No; no, even if it has the recycling logo; yes; no, but your dry cleaner can probably reuse them; yes.